Launching the Fiber Arts Store
June 11, 2021 marked a new chapter in the life of the Bloomington Spinners and Weavers Guild when our store opened at 3038 E 3rd Street in the Bloomington College Mall. We hope you come by soon to see this beautiful place and the gorgeous displays. Those working as clerks during the first three weeks in June met to discuss how things went. Our first month’s clerks reported:
* great lighting
* displays are well arranged and inviting
* new members are getting to know established members
* longer term members are excited about so many new members
* good variety of goods for sale
* both yarn for artists and finished goods are available
* good to be out doing things with others again
* table and chairs available for social interactions
* expanding opportunities to share our knowledge
* yarn and products are of high quality
* FUN to share with customers and each other
* joy in seeing a big project come together
* members who did not even vote for the store have been involved
* equipment is being used in the store and borrowed by members
* Guild library and equipment loan is more accessible than at storage unit
Please contact us if you’d like to sell your items in the store.
Fall Show and Sale is scheduled!
The letter to artists who had booths in 2019 Show and Sale has gone out separately!!!!! The unified application for booth artists and Guild Booth members who want to sell is on the website at We hope you have lots of goodies to sell because our store customers are looking for you! Many have been by the store to see if your stuff is there yet. Please contact our coordinator Kerry Conway at for more information or to volunteer.
Monthly Guild Meetings
The Guild meets the third Monday of each month at the store at 6:00 p.m. The summer meetings are incorporated into the Study Group as informal times to work and chat. Come join us any Monday but especially July 19 and August 16 for the monthly informal meetings.
Monday Night Study Group
The BSWG Study Group continues to meet on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. at the mall store. Everyone is welcome. Members share items they have made or are working on as well as use the Study Group time to work on fiber related activities.
Tuesday Knitting Group
A group of knitters meet Tuesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the mall store. Everyone is welcome.