All ads must be fiber related and will be posted for a month.
Guild members may advertise personal items for sale free of charge on our website and in our newsletter.
Non-Guild members will be charged $10 for an ad to be published on our website and in the monthly newsletter.
Text and photos for ads can only be accepted electronically. One or two photos in .jpg format are highly recommended.
Your ad copy should include:
- Name of Equipment
- Price
- Detailed description of what is included and its condition.
- Pick up or delivery information: part of town you are in, willingness to ship
- How to contact you to purchase or with questions
Send ad copy with photos to:
To avoid delay, pay via Square (with button to pay here).
If paying by check, please mail to BSWG Fiber Arts Center, 3038 East Third Street, Bloomington, IN. 47401.