June 2023 Newsletter

Full Guild Meeting Monday, June 19, 2023
We will have a full guild meeting next Monday at our Fiber Arts Store in the College Mall, 3038 East Third Street, next to American Eagle.
Our meeting begins at 6 pm with an opportunity to meet and greet until 6:30, when our meeting will begin.
Guild Meeting Agenda
1. Year round general meetings
2. Fiscal year change
3. Dues proration and student rate
4. Bank change
5. Articles of incorporation and 501(C)3 status
6. Show and Sale report and call for volunteers
7. The BSWG 50th Anniversary Exhibit at City Hall
8. Formation of new committees
9. Meeting time discussion & possible clerk meeting 
10. Call for inventory for the holidays
11. Show and tell

BSWG Board Meeting Minutes June 6, 2023
Guild members in attendance included: Marla Dawson, Cheryl Johnson, Patsy Ek, Sue Speichert, Mary Buschhorn, Karen Ellis, Lauren Stoffers, Karin Lauderback, Denise Buckingham, and Amira Sabbaugh.
The Board meeting was convened at 6 p.m.
Marla introduced the at-large board members appointed by the Coordinator, who will be serving in that capacity for the months of June, July, and August. They include Mary Buschhorn, Karen Ellis, and Lauren Stoffers.
Minutes and committee reports were summarized, discussed, and approved as follows:
— Board Meeting Minutes from 5/2/2023: during discussion, a board member proposed that the Program chairperson be an elected position and therefore would have voting rights, but it was tabled for later discussion. Sue made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Cheryl seconded it, and the board voted unanimously to accept the minutes.
— General Membership Meeting Minutes from 5/15/2023: Karen made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Sue seconded the motion, and the board voted unanimously to accept the minutes.
— Treasurer’s Financial Report: it was requested, and Sue agreed, to provide more detail in her monthly financial reports, it would be interesting for an analysis of profit per sq ft for the guild area and the vendor areas to be done, and it would also be helpful to know the breakdown of new members and renewals in the Membership section of the financial report. Cheryl made a motion to accept the May financial report as presented, Karen seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to accept it.
Further discussion ensued about how best to keep guild minutes and committee reports — for both back-up and historical purposes, and it was agreed by all that copies of all of these docs should be stored on the guild’s Google drive (in the cloud). That would also allow for an easier transition from year to year as guild members rotate into Board positions.
Karen and Lauren kindly offered to make a presentation to the Board at its July meeting on how to up/download materials to/from Google drive. At that time, the password to the guild’s Google account will be provided to the Board members.
— Retail Committee Report: concern was expressed that guild members aren’t aware of the opportunities available to them through Brown Sheep, Jaggerspun, and the Woolery, and it was suggested that going forward a notice be included in the monthly newsletter providing the details. Cheryl made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Karen seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to accept them.
— Membership Report: Denise let the Board know that the guild currently has 139 members, and she typically sends out renewal notices in June. Discussion about the timing of renewal notices was deferred to later. Cheryl moved to accept the report as presented, Sue seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to accept the report.
— Library and Equipment Report: Karen mentioned that many of the book donations end up for sale in the store vs. being added to the library, she has continued the Handwoven and Spin Off subscriptions, since they are widely read by guild members, but has let a few other subscriptions lapse due to lack of interest, and while reorganizing and getting the equipment room in order, some equipment that wasn’t being used was sold. Karen requested up to $50 to purchase a crank for the recently donated Harrisville loom and a screw for the Glimakra swift. Cheryl made a motion to accept the report as presented, Marla seconded it, and the Board unanimously accepted the report. The Board also approved the requested funding ($50) for equipment repairs.
Since the guild now has a Schacht Baby Wolf and a Harrisville floor loom in addition to its stable of table looms, discussion followed about how best to utilize these looms. Possibilities discussed included (1) having community members weave a table runner and (2) dressing the loom with a long warp, so guild members and members of the community could pay to weave a project on the loom (possible projects could include scarves, shawls, towels, throws, etc.). It was also suggested that one or two table looms be dressed for mug rugs, and we try to target the youth to come into the store to weave one, which they’d take home with them.
— Programs Report: Programs for general membership meetings are set up through October. Workshops, in addition to the fall Summer and Winter session, were discussed and basket weaving was suggested as another possibility. It was also suggested that an outing be arranged to the IU Mather’s Museum, since they have an extensive textiles section. Sue requested a budget of $1,500 for 2023-24 programs. The funding would be used for external speakers’ honoraria. Cheryl made a motion to accept the report as presented, Marla seconded it, and the Board voted unanimously to accept the report. The Board also approved the requested funding ($1,500) for this year’s Programs budget.
– Classes Report: fall classes are pretty much set, although Karin would like to see a crochet class and a felting class (either wet or needle felting) be offered. In addition, she would also appreciate the spring 2024 class roster to be set before the November Show and Sale, so those classes may be advertised at the event. Cheryl made a motion to accept the report as presented, Marla seconded it, and the Board voted unanimously to accept the report.
– 50th Anniversary and Shop Window Report: the city of Bloomington will host a show in City Hall to help celebrate BSWG’s anniversary and 50 years of weaving in Indiana. They will have an open house in October, where Karin would like to have demonstrations by guild members. It was also suggested that the guild provide refreshments for the event. Marla, Cheryl, and Kathy Hiatt could help provide historical information about the guild.
The next window display will be provided by Donna Jo Copeland. The theme will be “sheep to finished products.” Her display will be in the shop window mid- June to mid-July. Since the Retail Committee has proposed “Christmas in July” as a window theme, Karin suggested that the guild’s Christmas tree be put on display and Christmas-themed items be offered for sale. Cheryl made a motion to accept the report as presented, Marla seconded it, and the Board voted unanimously to accept the report.
The next item that was discussed was consent agenda. Both pros and cons were considered, and it was reaffirmed that reports and meeting minutes will be sent out to the general membership in a timely manner, so members will have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the reports and be informed about the agenda for the upcoming meeting. Mary made a motion to eliminate consent agenda and return to the previous method that encourages discussion by any and all members before a vote is taken, Marla seconded it, and the Board voted unanimously to approve this motion.
Since the guild has the ability to meet year-round in the shop, discussion followed about holding guild meetings monthly vs. meeting September through May. Further discussion included when the membership year begins and creating new levels of dues. Cheryl made a motion to change the membership year, so that it runs July through June, and there will be 3 levels of dues: $30 for the full year, $15 for first time members who join after January 1, and $10 for student membership. Marla seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to approve it.
The BSWG is currently a 501c4 tax-exempt entity. There has been discussion for years about changing the guild’s status to a 501c3 non-profit. Benefits of being a 501c3 include being able to apply for federal/arts council/community foundation grants and being eligible for discounts for various services, including MailChimp. However, before applying for 501c3 status, the BSWG must become incorporated (Sue said she’d take care of that right away). Mary made a motion that the necessary steps be taken for the guild to become a 501c3 non-profit, so that the guild may begin taking advantage of the new benefits sooner vs.later. Patsy seconded the motion, and the guild voted unanimously to approve it.
It was proposed that the Board meet twice a month, June through August, if needed, so there’s adequate time for both old business and new initiatives to be worked through by the new Board.
Mary made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Cheryl seconded it, the Board voted unanimously to approve the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patsy Ek

BSWG Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2023
Guild members in attendance included: Marla Dawson, Cheryl Johnson, Patsy Ek, Sue Speichert, Mary Buschhorn, Karen Ellis, and Lauren Stoffers.
The Board meeting was convened at 10:05 a.m.
Marla had some announcements to share with the Board members:
– A new bank account has been established at People’s State Bank, and the signers on the account are Sue and Marla. Sue will begin using this new account for guild business. Once all outstanding transactions have cleared the guild’s account at Chase, that account will be closed.
– Sue has filed the incorporation paperwork for the BSWG. Now that that’s been done, she’ll begin working on the 501c3 paperwork.
– Going forward, the treasurer will file the monthly sales tax with the State.
Email addresses for Board Members and Committee Chairpersons: the various emails that were setup last year for board members don’t have to be used if this year’s board members would prefer to use a different email address. [email protected] will be retired and [email protected] will be used instead for the guild’s general email. This new address is associated with the Google drive that will be used to store minutes of meeting proceedings, the treasurer’s monthly financial reports, and committee chairpersons’ reports. Karen and/or Sue will request that any emails going to [email protected] be automatically forwarded to [email protected]. Karen has offered to help monitor the new account and others may be identified later to help with that task.
Marla posed the question of what committees were currently in existence and do others need to be created? Current committees include the Retail/Store*, Workshops, 50th Anniversary, Membership*, and Show & Sale. Coordinators include Programs* and Library/Equipment. Officer Reports/Minutes include the treasurer’s financial report* and the secretary’s minutes from board and general membership meetings*. (Those marked with an “*” denote the expectation that monthly reports will be submitted to the Board and published in the monthly newsletters.)
Discussion followed about the purpose and effectiveness of the guild participating in trade shows. Oftentimes nonprofits, who want to do community outreach at an event are allowed to set up a tent at no-charge or at a reduced rate, rather than at the typical booth fee. Since these shows have been a lot of work for Sue, going forward the guild will choose carefully and look at the markets involved.
Discussion began about what constitutes a guild booth (where the guild would pay the booth fee) vs. a few people from the guild getting together to rent a booth (and they split the fee between themselves). This will be addressed when the Standing Rules are reviewed and edited,so further discussion was tabled until then.
Other ways for community outreach that were brought up were offering a community weaving project on one of the guild’s looms, knitting for charities on Martin Luther King Day and Knitting in Public Day, and asking Whitney Schlegel if she would be willing to put a handout for classes offered by guild members in her Farmer’s Market booth, where she’s selling her yarn.
Because there are so many opportunities for community outreach and it’s one of the Guild’s missions, a suggestion was made to create an Outreach Committee, and the Board embraced this idea. It was also suggested that one of the members of this new committee serve as a liaison between the Outreach Committee and the Retail Committee. This would be helpful when an event is a combination of outreach and selling of merchandise.
November Show & Sale: Marla is serving as Coordinator for this year’s show, and the following guild members are on the Show & Sale Committee: Cheryl Johnson (Co-Coordinator), Karen Ellis (Vendor Liaison), Mary Buschhorn, Patsy Ek, Rosemary Hart, and Audrey Williams (Guild Booth Organizers), Cate Cherniak (Demonstrations Coordinator), and Sue Speichert (PR/Social Media). Discussion followed about the Show & Sale, including a nominal increase in the vendor booth fees, the need for a show budget, and the fact that the Show & Sale is not under the umbrella of the Retail Committee, but instead presents reports to the Board directly. Marla and Cheryl will send out Show & Sale materials in mid-June, which will include a letter to potential vendors and an email to guild members (this will include information about the guild booth as well as the details if members want to be considered for a vendor booth). Marla made a motion that the vendor fees for this year’s Show & Sale be $140 (full booth, guild member), $70 each (half booth, guild member), $150 (full booth, non-guild member), and $75 each (half booth, non-guild member). Sue seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to approve these new rates. *If you are interested in joining the Show & Sale Committee, please be in touch with either Marla or Cheryl. All guild members are welcome to join in the fun!*
When talking about the various committees, discussion followed about the guild’s structure as a whole. Marla made a motion that the Retail Committee revert back to its original name as the Store Committee and that a new Outreach Committee be created. Cheryl seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to approve it.

An article will be included in the monthly newsletter to let guild members know about this new opportunity to volunteer on the Outreach Committee.
Denise Buckingham has resigned as Membership Chairperson. She and Sue are the two guild members, who are currently familiar with MailChimp, the service that is used for sending out emails to guild members and general publicity to community folks. Discussion followed about continuing to use MailChimp, maximizing use of this service, and keeping the guild’s communiques under MailChimp’s limit, so there is no cost involved. Regarding the latter, it was agreed that older records will be archived: for community folks, only those folks who attended the 2022 Show & Sale would remain active in the database. If members haven’t paid their dues by October, they, too, will be archived and won’t receive BSWG newsletters until their membership is renewed. Sue will be training several board members on MailChimp, so there is back-up available, if needed. She will also keep MailChimp updated with membership and community changes. Mary offered to help with membership duties; for example, send a hand-written welcome to new members and other work, as identified.
There was a brief discussion about how best to keep critical documents secure in the Fiber Store, and Lauren offered to look into fire box options.
Patsy made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mary seconded it, the Board voted unanimously to approve the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patsy Ek

We’re on the Come-Bye Fiber Trail June 1 to August 31
Come to the Fiber Arts Store to pick up your packet to participate in this summer’s Come-Buy Tour.
The trail features over 30 fiber artist vendors from Indiana as well as Ohio and Michigan. Once you buy a packet, you receive charms and other goodies. Your participation entitles you to entries into give-aways that will be awarded at the end of the trail.
For more information, go to https://www.aoiremaithfibrestudios.com/come-bye- fiber-trail.

Benefits of BSWG membership you may not have known!
Members may order specialty yarn from Jaggerspun and Brown Sheep through the Fiber Arts Store. This will enable you to avoid paying shipping charges. For more information, contact Kerry Conway at [email protected]

Membership Renewal Coming Soon
Your dues reminder will be sent out soon. Members who pass their 80th birthday are entitled to free membership for life but you will need to tell us because we don’t ask your age. Thank you for making 2022-2023 another record breaking membership year!

Membership Directory
We are working on our print membership directory. If you haven’t already answered the directory survey, please do so SOON!


Upcoming Classes at the Guild’s Fiber Arts Store

Introduction to Rigid Heddle Weaving with Peggy McIntosh
Wednesday, June 21, 10 am to 4 pm
Level: Beginning
Cost: $50 for BSWG member, $80 for non-BSWG member (includes 2023-2024 membership)
Materials: Provided by instructor
Class Size: 1 to 6 students

Weaving Krokbragd on Two Rigid Heddles with Peggy McIntosh
Wednesday, July 19, 10 am to 4 pm
Level: Intermediate
Cost: $60 for BSWG member, $90 for non-BSWG member (includes 2023-2024 membership)
Materials: Provided by student
Class Size: 1 to 4 students

Converting 4-Shaft Weaving Patterns for Rigid Heddle with Peggy McIntosh
Wednesday, August 2, 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Project: Threading chart for 3-Heddle Weaving
Level: Adventurous beginner
Cost: $35 for BSWG members, $65 for non-BSWG members (includes 2023- 2024 membership)
Materials: None
Class Size: 1 to 4 students

Beginning Weaving Scarf Class with Gale Hill and Karin Lauderback
Saturday, September 9, 12 to 4 pm
Sunday, September 10, 12 to 4 pm
Saturday, September 23, 12 to 4 pm
Cost: $90 plus materials for BSWG member, $120 plus material for non-BSWG members (includes 2023-2024 membership)
Level: Beginning (no previous weaving experience is necessary)
Materials: Yarn will be provided; cost about $5 to $10.
Class Size: 3 to 6 students
Looms: Use of a guild loom is included. Students may bring their own four-shaft
looms. Please indicate at registration if you will need a loom.

Double Weave on a Rigid Heddle Loom with Peggy McIntosh
Wednesday, September 20, 10 am to 4 pm
Cost: $60 for BSWG member, $90 for non-BSWG member (includes 2023-2024 membership)
Level: Intermediate (previous rigid heddle weaving is necessary)
Materials: Yarn
Class size: 1 to 4 students


Summer and Winter Weaving Workshop with Barb Gallagher September 16, 2023
Barb Gallagher of Weaver’s Loft will teach us all about summer and winter weave structure on Saturday, September 16, from 10 am to 5 pm. Cost will be $75 for members and $105 for non-members.
This will be a great opportunity to learn about BLOCKS in weaving, so make sure to plan to attend. Register today online here. If you have questions or comments, contact Sue Speichert at [email protected]

Weaving Indiana Workshop
Weaving With Silk
Guest Instructor Heather Winslow
September 16,17 & 18, 2023 (Saturday, Sunday & Monday)
Don’t miss your chance to reserve your place!
Workshop Fee: $300.00 (Includes warp, weft and instruction booklet) Location: Fall Creek Township Offices Community Room
11595 Brooks School Rd
Fishers, IN 46037
Registration: Register on the Weaving Indiana
website weavingindiana.org. Payment can be made online or mail the printable registration form to Workshop Chairperson Nina Kennedy (address is on the form) along with a check in the amount of $300.00 made payable to Weaving Indiana. This is the total fee for the workshop and includes all materials provided by the instructor. Registration closes July 15, 2023.
Questions/Information: Contact Workshop Chairperson Nina Kennedy, [email protected]

Let’s Have a Fleece Day!
Plans are underway to have a Fleece Day sale at the Fiber Arts Store! Thanks to the ingenious idea of our member Donna Jo Copeland, we are putting together a weekend on August 12 and 13 where nearby shepherds and shepherdesses can bring in their fleeces for us to fondle and purchase.
This is a wonderful opportunity for our members to meet and interact with local sheep farmers and to also learn more about the many fiber arts qualities of local sheep and their fleece. Join in to help make this the first of many Fleece Days for our Guild. Contact Sue Speichert for details.

Lynne Gilliatt and Jean Haley Exhibit at The Vault at Gallery Mortgage June and July 2023
Come see some AMAZING artwork from our members Lynne Gilliatt and Jean Haley! Naturally dyed wool, cotton and silk thread, with naturally dyed sari silk ribbon and wool yarn on linen foundation.
Opening reception on Friday, July 7, 5 to 8 pm as part of the “Gallery Walk,” then continuing through the end of July at The Vault at Gallery Mortgage, 121 East Sixth Street, Suite 1, Bloomington, Indiana.

Rigid Heddle Looms for Sale from Karen Ellis
1. Ashford Knitter’s Loom, 20”, includes 7.5 dpi reed, stick shuttles, warping peg/hooks, warping sticks, padded carrying case, instructions, and a copy of Liz Gipson’s Weaving Made Easy! Read all about it
at https://woolery.com/ashford-knitters-loom.html. $250. Contact Karen
Ellis, [email protected].
2. Ashford Knitter’s Loom, 12”, includes 3 heddles!!! 7.5 dpi, 10 dpi, and 12 dpi reeds, stick shuttles, warping peg/hooks, padded carrying case, and instructions. Read all about it at https://woolery.com/ashford-knitters-loom.html. $250. Contact Karen Ellis, [email protected].

Fiber Arts Equipment for Sale from Lynn Hughes
Ashford 4 shaft table loom w/ 10 dent reed plus book “Weaving on 4 shaft loom” by Anne Field, 8 dent reed, extra patterns
Brother Bulky KH260 Knitting Machine with extra sponge bar manual, assorted books and magazines
Lynn Hughes Lynnlynch|[email protected] 812-371-2098

Glimakra Loom for Sale from Kerry Owens
47″ Glimakra Standard Vertical Countermarche loom and a single/combo Myrehed drawloom attachment with extension. Asking $4,750 for both the countermarch loom and drawloom. Or, I can sell separately as listed below.
Bought new in 2020. Only has had one warp on it. I’ve lost interest in learning how to warp this type of loom and I’m getting back into sewing. The loom comes with the bench and one shuttle with spools. This loom has 10 shafts and 10 treadles. Height is 77 inches. Loom width is 60 inches. Loom depth 59 inches. Comes with one 12 dent reed and the loom has the rubber feet to keep it from sliding across the floor.The bench is height adjustable. There are 1000 texsolv heddles. Asking $4,300.
Drawloom has 30 shafts. Asking $450. The drawloom comes with one 8 dent reed. There is the floppy book and books by Joann Hall included. The extension adds 4 ft to the length when out the full length, and is mainly for the drawloom weaving. The extension can be removed or screwed into the loom to shorten the length of the loom when not needed.
Please ask questions. I will take cash or PayPal. This is a pickup, but may help with delivery depending on distance. There is a fb group that can help with delivery if not close to where I live (between Martinsville and Bloomington,Indiana). Thank you for looking.
Kerrie Owens
[email protected] 765-318-0384