Reports for the August 2023 Newsletter

Committee Reports

Shop Committee Notes July 2023
Attending: Kerry Conway, Mary Buschhorn, Marla Dawson, Cheryl Johnson, Peggy McIntosh, Sue Speichert, Megan Bube
The group discussed the importance of orientation for new clerks. Kerry will provide an updated booth map for the shop and bring a draft orientation checklist to the next meeting.
Mary asked about the use of the guild floor looms. We discussed several options for using them and agreed that we would pose the question at the next general guild meeting for member feedback.
Megan has agreed to lead us in developing a marketing plan. She asked all committee members to develop a list of goals (not problems or solutions) and send them to Kerry at [email protected]. We will choose our goals from the compiled list and move forward with planning to meet them.
Next meeting: Wednesday, August 9, 11:30 am at the shop.

Education Committee Report July 26, 2023
Attending: Kerry Conway, Megan Bube, Sue Speichert (two members out of town this month)
We will ask the large group for program suggestions. We discussed several names and will follow up after the August membership meeting.
We discussed having a speed dating program with several fiber arts stations where members could try their hand at weaving, tatting, felting, crocheting, etc. for a few minutes.
We will have a “Fiber Art-a-long” color challenge starting this fall with a special show and tell after the holiday season. We’ll give everyone the same 5 colors. Members will have to use at least three of them and only one or two neutral colors in the project. If we get a good member response, we could display the results at the 2024 November show or in the shop window.
At the request of the board, we have designated the following point people:
Karin Lauderback – classes
Kerry Conway – programs
Megan Bube – workshops

Membership Committee Report
July 28, 2023
BSWG has 145 members.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Buschhorn, Martha Foster, Rosemary Hart, Sandy Kovener

Financial Reports
June 2023 financial reports may be downloaded here