Finishing Techniques in Knitting with Saundra Tracy


SKU: N/A Categories: ,

This workshop helps knitters achieve a professional looking finished project. Techniques addressed include but are not limited to various types of invisible seaming, pick up stitches for uniform edges, changing yarns, working in yarn ends, and strategies for blocking. If time, buttonholes and other finishes also may be addressed.

Saturday, July 12th, 9:00 am – noon

$40 BSWG members
$70 non-BSWG members (includes one-year guild membership)
$50 non-BSWG student members (includes one-year student membership

Class size 110 students

Participants will be asked to knit 4-5 small swatches for use in practicing these techniques.  Details will be provided to enrollees.

Students need to be able to cast on, bind off and do basic stockinette and garter stitch.